Interrogating the Emergence of Pentecostalism and its Impact on Christian-Muslim Relationship in Gombe State
Religion, especially the Abraham-type, has grown or spread by way of the propagation of the word through evangelism and teachings. But it has become difficult, if not dangerous, to spread religious ideals and practices in Nigeria generally and Gombe State in particular. This present religious conflict found globally has become a thing of concern to all and sundry. Everywhere, the question is being asked: Is religion not meant to bring about peace, harmony and good relationship, in spite of our existential differences? Using the historical and analytical approach, this paper examined the issues and perspectives of Pentecostalism and its impact on ChristianMuslim relationship in Gombe State. The work used primary and secondary sources of data collection, where some respondents were selected through a simple random sampling for questionnaire administration and other key stakeholders were identified for an in-depth interview. The secondary source involved documents such as books, journals, and internet sources. The data obtained were presented and analyzed using statistical tools such as tables and charts, where applicable. The paper concluded that the relationship between Christian (Pentecostals) and Muslims has not reached the desired level. This is because the rate of enmity, lack of tolerance, lack of local harmony and cohesion is still on the rise, even when attempts are being made to settle the differences in Gombe State.