Education and Human Dignity: Connections and Perspectives
New circumstances have arisen in the past decades of human history that call for a more profound discourse on human dignity, especially as it relates to other dimensions of human existence. The peculiarity of this paper among other papers on human dignity is that it makes a nexus between human dignity and education, an area of interest that has not received adequate attention of scholars. And by human dignity, this paper places its understanding within the context of the universal human dignity that pertains to all human beings to the same extent and cannot be lost as long as one is a human being. It is within the context of universal human dignity that this paper is making a connection between education and human dignity, and presents education as a means of advancing the dignity of the human person. The human rights, religious and indigenous frameworks will be employed for the purpose of creating a road-map for the sail of the paper. The expository and analytical methods of inquiry will also be employed. The paper discovered that the education of the human person is the promotion of the dignity of the human being.